Range Safety: Your Guide to Being Range-Ready!

range safety

We all relish the excitement of hitting the range, honing our skills and sharing some great moments. Yet, amidst all the fun, let’s not forget the underlying importance of safety. The shooting range can present real dangers, and that’s why Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is absolutely essential. Join us as we explore the critical reasons behind prioritizing safety and discover the must-have gear for a safe and enjoyable time at the range.

Eyes: You Can’t Shoot What You Can’t See

Your eyes are invaluable, especially when you’re at the shooting range. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-timer, prioritizing eye protection is a non-negotiable. If you wear glasses but don’t use contacts, it’s important to note that safety glasses offer better protection than your regular eyeglasses. Why? Well, the truth is, regular eyeglasses may not provide the same level of coverage. Flying debris or even a stray bullet casing can potentially slip behind your glasses and pose a risk to your eyes.

That’s where brands like SSP Eyewear come into play. They’ve earned a top spot in the industry for producing high-quality safety glasses. What sets them apart is their commitment to eye safety, functionality, and style! For those who need prescription lenses, SSP Eyewear offers Rx options, ensuring that your eyes remain fully protected while you’re hitting the range. Choosing the right eyewear not only keeps you safe but also enhances your overall shooting experience. So, let’s gear up and keep those peepers protected!


Ears: Preserving Your Precious Hearing


The loud cracks and bangs on the range may seem exhilarating, but they carry significant risks. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to permanent hearing damage. That’s why ear protection is non-negotiable. Whether earmuffs or earplugs, they act as your personal noise barrier, safeguarding your hearing while still allowing you to engage with your surroundings. SureFire Sonic Defenders are the current leading earplugs on the market offering protection up to 24DB, trusted by the military and law enforcement, and allows for passive sound.





Hands: The Unsung Heroes Need Protection Too

Your hands are involved in every aspect of shooting, making them susceptible to potential dangers. Quality gloves made from durable materials provide the necessary barrier without compromising dexterity. Reinforced palms and fingers add an extra layer of protection, ensuring your hands remain unscathed while you focus on your target.

There are hundreds of options when it comes tactical gloves each with their own special attributes that make them ideal for different situations. If you are hunting in the winter you will want gloves that provide dexterity and warmth. If you are in a tactical military or law enforcement situation you may want gloves that provide more protection and padding. However, for the average range enthusiast we recommend a standard glove that is comfortable, dexturous and durable such as the Magpul Patrol Glove. It uses a goatskin palm for maximum durability. Flexible knuckle panel on the back of the fingers for easier articulation and a corded nylon for back-of-hand protection!


Body: Safeguarding Against Cuts, Scrapes, and More

Protecting your body is paramount. Quality, durable attire acts as your first line of defense against potential scrapes, cuts, and environmental hazards. Look for gear with reinforced panels in high-wear areas, offering both comfort and protection. Especially if you are shooting outdoors from prone positions. Avoid “bare coverage” clothing such as shorts or tank tops. Choose clothing that is comfortable, durable, allows for easy movement and covers the majority of any skin that could be exposed. Loose fitting jeans, long sleeve shirt, and a suitable belt for holstering are solid go too’s for range wear.

Feet: Your Feet, Your Foundation

Don’t overlook the importance of proper footwear! Do not wear any kind of open toe shoes or sandals. Not only do these not protect your feet from the elements or a stray hot shell landing on you, but they also pose potential tripping hazards which you want to avoid when handling loaded firearms. Sturdy shoes or boots, that are weather appropriate with good traction are a must!

Range safety should always be the cornerstone of any shooting experience. The shooting range, while thrilling, poses genuine risks that can be mitigated through the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). By investing in the right gear, you not only enhance your safety but also pave the way for a more enjoyable and successful experience. Remember, it’s better to be over-prepared than under-protected. Stay safe, have fun, and happy shooting!

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